Aries season March 20 – April 18
Happy Birthday season, Aries! I know this card pull might seemed rigged in your favor, but I give you my word that I did not draw Six of Cups intentionally. I can’t say I’m surprised this came through for you since Venus moves into your sign on March 21. You may feel especially drawn to connecting with those you love and may even feel pulled to re-connect with those you’ve had a falling out with. While you tend to flare up and then settle down quickly, there have been one or two disagreements that seem to stick in your psyche. This season, you might be revisited by these ghosts of arguments past and feel called to reconcile. If you do choose benevolence, you’ll be pleasantly surprised by how delighted you are to welcome your old friend back into your world. Of course, evaluate whether this person deserves your trust but if it’s a green light, by all means, open your arms and let love in from a deep place of sweet nostalgia. Not everyone deserves a second chance, but those who do, are so worth it.

Aries season March 20 – April 18
Taurus, it’s as if you know your turn is coming up next, and you couldn’t be more excited these days about The Sun entering your kindred spirit and zodiacal neighbor Aries. If you’ve shouldered the long winter like a boss, and I know you have and always do, you’re equally ready to celebrate and begin this zodiacal season anew. Everything you buckled down this winter to work on is coming up like the crocus: bright and ready to be seen. You’re unusually flight-footed and fancy free since Spring kicked in, and you want the world to know about it. Somewhat unlike you, as it usually takes a minute for you to readjust after a long and languid winter (you are most like the hibernating bear of all the zodiac signs) and coming out of winter generally takes some time for you. After all, you love getting cozy on that couch and munching and Netflix-ing your long days away but so much about this past year has changed (and in turn, it has changed you). You were super busy this winter birthing new beginnings and while your body may have felt stationary, your mind and creations have been pouring forth. Now, it’s time to share what you’ve created with the world. Come on out, we’re all so excited to see you.

Aries season March 20 – April 18
Whenever you get lost in your thoughts, Gemini, you can rely on Nine of Pentacles to bring you right back into your body. The mind/body connection has been elusive for you and you’re often scratching your head these days, figuring out how to blend the two. The good news is there’s nothing you need to do to connect your mind and your body, but rather, you’re invited to let go of preconceived notions about how you should be feeling in your body and start fresh this Spring. If you’re able to get outside and enjoy nature safely, then by all means, do so. If leaving your house isn’t possible, then simply cracking a window and breathing in the fresh, crisp air will bring you right back into your life center. You might explore what you’ve been holding on to tightly and whether you still wish to cling to these persons, places or things. These could even be old notions of your former self that are waiting to be set free so you can step into who you’re meant to be. Once you realize how bountiful you are, you’ll begin to loosen your fear of not being enough. You are enough, and you’ve always been enough. You’re on the cusp of a breakthrough, and trusting yourself is the key to moving into a new phase of life you’ve been longing for. Take the steps you need to take in order to make your dreams come true. You are safe. Keep telling yourself that.

Aries season March 20 – April 18
Sweet Cancer, are you shocked by how well you’ve been holding it all together? I know this year has been exhausting, and King of Wands is your ally and biggest fan this zodiacal season. This benevolent and fierce energy is the next push you need to move through the challenges you’ve been facing and overcoming, and given your watery nature, you’re in good hands with this fiery king of self control and determination. Just when you feel you’re at your wits end and your emotional stores have been depleted, look who’s showing up for you. This card has your name written all over it, and it wants you to keep moving in the direction of healing. You may wish to continue to work with supportive guides, tools or professionals as we discovered in your card pull for Pisces season, and in doing so, you’re committing to a rewarding recovery from what is burdening you. The weight has been too heavy on your shoulders, and it’s time to lighten your load in a significant way. Delegate what you don’t need to take on yourself, and find trustworthy allies to assist you in unburdening yourself from all that is not supporting you. This is the season to release yourself of one-way relationships and unbalanced agreements. This king is your key to keeping healthy boundaries so that you may thrive. Don’t be afraid to draw hard lines in the sand and stand your ground. Make yourself Priority Number One. And stick to the plan.

Aries season March 20 – April 18
Healing is spiral in nature, Leo, so don’t get discouraged as you’re bouncing between The Star from Pisces Season to Three of Swords. If there’s anything we learn on the road to recovery, it’s that the journey is unpredictable and mighty bumpy. When we come into right relationship with ourselves, we can expend smoother sailing but still be sure there will be waves. No matter how well we’re tending our own garden, we can never control what seeds others plant. Nor can we avoid every single disappointment or challenge that life throws our way. The key to happiness is to not take anything personally. The key to staying centered is to keep tending your own garden and planting the seeds you want to see come to fruition. Stay focused on your own plot. Don’t become distracted by the dramas of others. Nurture what you want to grow and leave the rest to all those other forces you can’t possibly control. Be it karma, fate or luck, nothing guarantees an outcome quite like the power of intention. What are you intending as you take action? What capacity can you hold for possibility and positivity? How much love can you sow in your own heart? As wounded as it is, it beats and it bleeds. And you are the glorious sunflower showing us all how to stand tall in the face of it all.

Aries season March 20 – April 18
Wow, Virgo! How did it feel having Knight of Cups from Pisces Season show you the depth of your own psyche in such a deep and potent way? Oh, I see: Ace of Wands is the answer. Amazing, isn’t it, the way you’re able to weave in and out of every emotional adventure unscathed and invigorated when you align with trust in yourself? You weren’t too sure you’d be able to hang on when you embarked but here you are: at the very core of your being and all fired up about it. Look at you, doubling down on your commitment to taking more risks, putting yourself out there and thinking outside of the box. Mars is entering your sign on July 29, and if you’re feeling fired up now, just you wait until The God of War comes knocking on your door. From now until then, you might want to find a way to channel all of this expansive energy and get ready to share it on a broader scale. I know you like to plan, which is why I’m getting a head start and suggesting it now. This is the time to birth that new project, creation, or dream. All the energy of the suit of Wands is with you, unadulterated and focused. Hone your incredible will toward what you want and make it happen. You don’t need a permission slip to make your dreams come true, and if anyone is asking you to show your hall pass, kick ’em to the curb, rock on and carry on.

Aries season March 20 – April 18
It’s hard when the energy moves from The World as it was in Pisces Season, Libra, to Five of Cups in what seems like a heartbeat. You might feel suspicious of others’ intentions these days, and whether people have your best interests at heart. This is indeed a question worth exploring. Given your peacekeeping nature, it’s possible you’ve overlooked some dodgy behavior in favor of wanting to keep things smooth and flowing. Now, some unsavory issues are being revealed. You tend to focus on the best in people and this is an admirable trait, though sometimes it means you let others get away with misbehaving. When we find ourselves let down, we can buffer the blow by putting on our detective hat and look back on our decisions for clues leading up to a full blown crack in the veneer. It’s said that hindsight is 20/20 and there’s no better time than fresh off the heals of a disappointment to empower yourself with self-reflection and self-awareness. Don’t allow a bad apple to ruin the bunch, though also trust your keen sense of observation and know when to call someone out on their nonsense before it affects your inner balance. If they’re worth their salt, they’ll make amends. If not, toss a pinch of that salt over your shoulder and try your luck elsewhere.

Aries season March 20 – April 18
All this hard work is paying off, Scorpio, and Eight of Pentacles is guiding you to stay focused as you perfect and hone your skills. Mars is entering your sign during your birthday season this year on October 30, the day before the veil between our world of tactile and spirit is thinnest. Then, on November 5, Mercury enters your sign after stationing direct a couple of weeks earlier. Something powerful is coming down the pike. Can you sense it? Call it coincidence or something more, as you’ll remember Eight of Wands appeared for your during Pisces Season and this theme of infinite eight is striking a chord. Eight is a magically abundant number and you are a magically abundant Being. You’ve been incredibly focused and dedicated to creating something new and exciting, though you’ve been feeling like the process is a bit too tedious for your impulsive nature. Trust the long process of building something that’s meant to stand the test of time. When your birthday season rolls around, and if you keep at it, you’ll see the fruits of your labor explode in an array of abundance indeed. Every time you’re tempted to turn your attention to something new and shiny, remember your dedication and stick to your guns for the long haul. This is not a quick fix, but a long lasting apprenticeship toward realizing your goals. Only you can break that finish line tape. And when you do, the win will be sweet as sugar.

Aries season March 20 – April 18
Whenever you feel like you’re outside the sanctuary you so deeply desire, Sag, remember that you’re being held in a force field of love and support even if you feel like your out in the cold. Five of Pentacles is guiding you back to yourself, rather than some external sense of comfort. Deep within, you hold the key to feeling at safe and secure. And that begins by feeling at home in your own body. Sometimes we disassociate with ourselves when we feel overwhelmed. This is a natural response to needing to release our burdens. Just remember that the burden isn’t you, but it may be what you’ve agreed to take on that’s weighing you down. You don’t have to go it alone, either. Reach out to a trustworthy and loving friend or family member and ask for support. As independent as you are, you’ll be surprised to see how happy people are to support you when you’re feeling discouraged. You so often pump others up and dish out pep talks like an endless supply of songs in a jukebox. You’re not accustomed to being on the receiving end of support but that’s exactly what you need right now. I know you’re not shy, but when it comes to asking for help, you’re often hesitant. Letting yourself be loved and cared for won’t dampen your wild spirit. If anything, you’ll feel bolstered and more like yourself than you have in quite some time.

Aries season March 20 – April 18
Hold on to your hat, Capi, and get ready to rumble! Eight of Wands is your magic carpet destined to carry you through this fiery Aries season. You’ve been released from the tethers of Saturn in your sign for a few months now, and you’re feeling the relative weightlessness ever since Saturn entered innovative Aquarius. It’s quite a relief to have completed the obstacle course and even better, you have something to show for the challenges you’ve faced these past few years. I don’t know if any other sign performs quite as well as you under that type of Saturnian pressure, but you nail it, even though you come out with a few battle scars to prove your mettle. Speaking of battle, you’ll be moving as swift as a battle steed this season, deftly tackling responsibilities and goals and striking like a proficient boxer in the ring the minute something threatens to impede your speed. I pity the foolish one (or some) who gets in your way. As always, and as if someone like you needs reminding, be sure to look both ways before dashing across the road and other than taking all reasonable precautions, ride like the wind and set sail on due course toward building the life you’ve always dreamed of.

Aries season March 20 – April 18
Since discipline-oriented Saturn entered your sign a few months ago, Aquarius, you may have been experiencing one of two things, or both: extra challenges or extra support. Saturn’s energy brings the kind of rewards that pay off when we buckle down and do the work in a systematic way. Princess of Swords is your ally to make use of that powerfully paternal energy and add a dash each of ingeniousness and ingenuity. With Saturn hanging hard and heavy with you for the next couple of years, you can expect your typically innovative self to get a sobering dose of systematic checks and balances. By harnessing your sharp intellect, you’ll see clearly from the get go and avoid any hemming and hawing around what you should or shouldn’t be dedicating your energy towards. Clear thinking is your weapon of choice this Aries season, and when you blend the fire of Aries with the Air element of the Swords, you get an unstoppable and contagious energy source. Keep in mind you’ll need to carefully harness this energy in order to make it work best for you. In other words, don’t get carried away without checking in with your newfound checks and balances team. Working in tandem with discipline and passion will yield results you’ve only previously dreamed might be possible.

Aries season March 20 – April 18
Dear Pisces, I so hope you enjoyed your birthday this past zodiacal season, and while your very special day I pray was filled with celebration, I know this past month has not been easy as foretold by Ten of Swords. As The Devil appears this season, I dare say this card is coming through for you. Sliding into patterns that entice you to abandon yourself is not a foreign concept for you, especially when circumstances feel especially challenging. This card is here to reassure you that you are never alone, no matter how difficult things may seem. You are always invited to reinvent yourself by trying on a different persona, tapping into a part of your psyche that you seldom visit but holds great wisdom and visions, and to trust yourself when temptations and distractions attempt to take hold. You are your own sanctuary, Pisces, and there is no shame in coming to terms with the material aspects of the world that sometimes beckon your attention. Did you know that you absolutely can have your cake and eat it too? The trick is making it last by taking little nibbles instead of big gulps. And when the cake is gone, simply bake another cake! I’m talking about the sweet things in life, the joyous experiences that bring you to the surface of a sunlit ocean as well as the lovely decent into a mystical dreamscape. You don’t need to feel torn all the time about choosing only one of two or more things you love. You can have your cake, your sunlit ocean and your mystical dreamscape. I hope this releases you from the bondage of choosing one thing you love over another. The whole world is yours.
Deck pictured: The Hermetic Tarot