Thank you so much for visiting my creative collective! I’m Diane Ferraro, and at my very core, I’m a writer and communicator with a passion for personal growth. I blend the healing arts with more than 25 years experience as a business leader, 15 years as a yoga practitioner, and five decades as a human.
I’m a continuous student of the healing arts, and everything else for that matter. Many moons ago, I graduated with a B.A. in English and Creative Writing. One of my favorite ways to communicate is through writing, though also as a student of the arts with a passion for comedy improv, I have no trouble being on the stage or in front of the camera. I enjoyed a brief two year stint as a radio co-host (remember BlogTalk Radio?!) and since then, I’ve enjoyed meeting people and getting to know what motivates them.
My passions in the healing arts include the Tarot and Astrology, as well as Reiki and yoga. When I’m not offering my services through the healing arts, you might find me handcrafting jewelry and accessories. The beach glass used in my offerings is natural and wild, collected from the eastern most tip of Long Island, NY. My crystals are personally chosen by me for their properties. My metal stamped jewelry is an expression of freedom over perfection: no two pieces are alike.
The symbolism and animal totems that you find in my work and writings are direct reflections of the Honoring of Spirit in its many forms. Wolf plays a significant role in my expression and personal development, and for Him I am deeply grateful. You will see Him honored here often.
Thank you so much for coming across my little online space: I hope you stay and browse awhile. You’ll see several click-through options where we can connect more directly, and I hope to see you come through.
Warmly, Diane