Pisces Season February 18 – March 19 2021
You’re running wild with your pack this Pisces season, Aries, and I want to see you out in front and central in the action. Knight of Swords beckons you to lead, and you have no problem with that whatsoever. As a Cardinal sign, you’re accustomed to taking the initiative. As an Aries, you’re comfortable being a central part of the action. But here’s the rub: can you function as a pack member in addition to being a pack leader? With the Swords suit (air element) as your card for Pisces season (a water sign), I encourage your zodiacal fiery nature to blend in with your surrounding elements. And who might be your pack? Why, your emotions, your thoughts and your desires, of course. Blending these together makes for a delicious dish. With Mars as your ruling Planet, you’re focused on enacting your will, though this season, do so while holding loving and equal space for your emotions and thoughts to join you on the field of proverbial battle. Consider getting a writing journal this month to record your dreams, as Pisces is the champion of intuition and dream-space. The Swords support communication, so pay attention to who or what comes through to you in your sleep.

Pisces Season February 18 – March 19 2021
I think I heard you drag your hoof through the earth in staunch celebration all the way from here, Taurus, when you saw the King of Pentacles come through for you this season. Perhaps the most earthly of all the zodiac signs, you, Taurus, are most at home with this card supporting you. Your root system is complex and functions as a well-structured anchoring system, allowing for both deep tap roots and more tendril-like fingerlings to explore your surroundings. Your grounded nature is so remarkable that it could almost (and sometimes does) cause others to envy you if they are feeling lost, wishy-washy or up to their eyeballs in overwhelm. Throughout Pisces season, you might get push back and get labelled “stubborn” as the watery nature of this season implores nearly everyone around you to dive deep into their emotions. With that, it’s easy for folks to get carried away, even to their own dismay. But not you, Taurus: you’ll be the lighthouse this season. Though here’s the thing: you’re diving deep, too, but in your own earth-bound way. You’ll be noticing how connected you are to your surroundings, and how much comfort that brings you, especially these days. A gratitude journal would be perfect for you this season. Start by writing down three things you’re grateful for, and watch how quickly you’ll want to expand that to 6, 10 or 20 blessings that keep you company in your world.

Pisces Season February 18 – March 19 2021
No one is harder on yourself than you, Gemini, and Judgement invites you to turn your critical and analyzing nature into motivation to make a much needed change. You’ve been feeling the need to shift for more months (or years) than you care to admit, and this holding pattern caused by insecurity has finally caught up with you. The problem with procrastination is that what starts out as a shadow becomes a seemingly insurmountable mountain under which we feel constrained, contained and isolated. This card is inviting you to release your notions of how to walk through the world, and simply start taking baby steps toward a goal, no matter how small, and without overthinking about the outcome. Here’s what never works: doing the same thing you’ve been doing and expecting different results. You’ve typed up an itinerary but stopped short of packing a suitcase. You’ve poured over the maps while forgetting you have an internal compass. And perhaps the most debilitating tactic of all: you’ve analyzed your return before stepping past the threshold of your own front door. This Pisces season, your airy nature would do well to settle itself like a disoriented bird on a body of water in between bouts of flight. Let your eyes find the horizon and settle your sense of direction. And once you remember your instinctive nature to not just survive but thrive, look up, soften your focus and find the angel in the cloud.

Pisces Season February 18 – March 19 2021
As if you don’t feel deeply enough all year long, Pisces season is going to stir up even deeper wells of emotion for you, Cancer. Five of Pentacles is your cue to build a fortress of supportive tools to help you cope with the depth of feelings that Pisces season can stir up for so many of us, and especially for you. Once you feel supported, you can access this deep well of emotion like the treasure trove it is: replete with wisdom, razor-sharp awareness and the fortitude to double down on embodying your true nature. If this sounds like a bit of an ironic “get out of jail free card,” it is: while you never need permission to feel your feelings, this Pisces season underscores just how central your feelings are to your well-being, and everyone else is going through all the feels with you. If you tend to see yourself as an odd-ball because of your tremendous emotional capacity, take heart that you certainly are not alone and it will seem that everywhere you turn, you’ll encounter sensitivity, compassion and people talking about, as well as expressing, their emotions. You’re a pro at this, so don’t be surprised if people turn to you this Pisces season to be their shoulder to cry on. If you have the space for that, great. If not, set healthy boundaries and double down on your self care protocols. Call in the big guns if necessary: that could be finding a therapist, joining a support group or creating a safe space (emotionally and/or physically) to replenish your stores. While feelings will run deep, this is also an incredible time to tap into your excellent intuition. Take time this season to ask the difficult questions, and then sit back and await the swell of affirmations to wash over you.

Pisces Season February 18 – March 19 2021
Look at you, Leo, at the center of your own healing, and owning it! The Star is your guiding light this season, especially after everything you’ve endured. While I’d love to say that the sting of what’s hurt you is all but a tiny thorn in your mighty paw, I know you’re taking a break from being center stage and licking your wound while hoping, for once, that no sees you. But I see you. And I also know that deep down, you want so badly to be seen for who you truly are. This card is your ally during emotionally-charged Pisces season, and invites you to douse the burn of your (unnecessary) shame with the loving waters of your tears. Keep saying to yourself: “It’s ok to feel all my feelings.” And then, believe it. I also know you want to get through this healing period as fast as possible, but refrain from rushing through. Pisces is a water sign, and I understand that most cats hate water, but if you can appreciate the fluid nature of your feelings you’ll realize that no sensation lasts forever (that includes pain as well as pride). Your majestic nature is so accustomed to mastering your surroundings, that you might feel out of place and distrustful of the old adage: go-with-the-flow. But alas, here you are. And right here is exactly where you belong. There is richness and reward in acceptance. There is gold in the hues of a setting sun. Allow whatever needs to pass through you the promise of a safe journey, and give thanks to the cleansing grace that comes with grief. A new dawn is birthed from the blanket of a star-filled expanse. Dance through the blue.

Pisces Season February 18 – March 19 2021
Oh, Virgo: are you really going to allow yourself to go this deep? I applaud you for even considering this offer from the Knight of Cups and I’m shocked, quite frankly, that you’ve allowed yourself to entertain this whimsical and uncharted adventure. But not as shocked as you. And yet, there you are: all in. ALL. IN. And you’re loving it. And the more you love it, the more surprised you are. It’s a delicious vortex of indulgent intoxication. So alluring that you keep looking over your shoulder to make sure you’re not being punked, or worse: dreaming it. Pinch yourself: it’s real. Buckle up, Buttercup, and hold on for dear life. You’re in this to win this. And while it feels like a huge entity is taking you along for the ride, you are very much a co-pilot on this journey. You are experiencing a homecoming of sorts, even while you feel out of your element: finally, you trust the direction your life is going without the need to know all the who, what, when, where and how’s of the equation. And for the first time in a long while, you’re able to breathe. You’re moving at an astonishingly fast pace by your own fastidious calculations but even so, the ride is smooth as silk. Your surroundings feel like velvet on your skin. The music is just right. The lighting, impeccable. You’re ready for your close up. In fact, it’s long overdue. Nothing dances as sweetly as feet unafraid to move on a stage held by adoring eyes.

Pisces Season February 18 – March 19 2021
Huzzah, Libra! The World is here in celebration of you coming full circle. All of your hard work and dedication has culminated in a bountiful embrace of everything you could ever wish to hold in your arms, and more. I know you weren’t expecting all the aspects of your intention to manifest so completely, and I also know you were surprised, if not slightly overwhelmed, to realize that having the whole enchilada comes with having a whole lot of responsibility. As we fulfill our wildest dreams, we also inherit all sides: the dark and the light. This is not the kind of graduation you were expecting, and yet, here you are: holding space for everything and quite capably, I might add. You’ve accomplished what you set out to do. And, you also realize you’ve only just begun the fulfillment of your destiny. The good news is that you’re closer now than you ever have been to understanding your capacity to create that which, up until now, you only felt could come to pass in dreams. Seeing it is believing it, and getting your arms around something means everything to you: it serves as proof of what is possible. However, as you grow, so do your aspirations. Knowing that you’re able to accomplish your goals is a huge boon to your self-confidence, which you sometimes devalue in your pursuit to please everyone but yourself. Embody the lesson of worldly accomplishments by understanding you are very much part of the fabric of this world (as ethereal as you are), and that allowing yourself to be whole, benefits the whole.

Pisces Season February 18 – March 19 2021
There is no rush, Scorpio. There is truly never any rush (I know how you despise feeling rushed) so when Eight of Wands appears for you this season, it’s not about making things happen, but rather allowing things to happen. As a water sign, you’re in good company in Pisces season and with the moon by your side, you may feel more comfortable than you have been in quite some time. You can let your guard down, take a deep breath and feel supported in your choices, dreams and aspirations. It’s understandable to feel somewhat wary of the ease in which plans will develop and come to fruition: you’re so keen when it comes to seeing through the mystery though it can be difficult for you to trust yourself, let alone others. Rest assured you’ve got the tools to handle whatever might arise, and more than that, all your hard work is paying off tenfold. You’ll see plans come to fruition that up until recently you all but abandoned as hopeless. As you watch this season’s events unfold, you might feel a renewed sense of excitement and commitment to investing in yourself once again after a labored stretch of disenchantment. Your world will feel magical once again, almost like an early Spring has breathed new life into your heart. And your passions will well up in your Soul effortlessly, and you will follow their seductive call, as easy as a breeze through parted lips, and you’ll hear Yes…again and again and again.

Pisces Season February 18 – March 19 2021
Are you open to receiving, Sagittarius? Queen of Cups is offering you a gateway to bliss through a regenerative and prosperous container: your own heart. If you’re willing to let your guard down, the greatest love of all is waiting for you without ever needing to search outside of yourself. Ever on the lookout, you’re adept at sourcing and securing. This season, there’s no need to gaze beyond your own reflection. Though, if you do happen to take a peek around, you’ll notice a reverberation of what you value, respect and love gazing back at you. This isn’t a trick fit for the Hall of Mirrors: you can trust what you see. Most of all, you can trust yourself. This season, you’ll feel at home in your own heart, and you’ll be pleasantly surprised that your adventure-loving spirit has a whole world to explore within this sacred chamber. Go ahead, have a look around and get to know every nook and crevice of this wisdom center. You’ll be delighted at what you discover, and perhaps even a bit surprised at learning things about yourself that previously hadn’t been acknowledged or seen. Pisces season has a way of inviting us to go deeper than we ever have before. This might challenge your nature to dash and dart between one adventure to the next, but you’ll find this vessel so welcoming, so inspiring, so filled with creative possibility, that you’ll feel transfixed long enough to stay still. And this stillness, nestled within infinite potential, will captivate your equally infinite spirit. Imagine that!

Pisces Season February 18 – March 19 2021
Busy Capricorn, the Knight of Wands comes through like a breath of fresh air, carrying you over the rough spots on the well-worn road of accomplishing your goals, one which you are so accustomed to traveling. Always on the fastidious march and ever upwards, it’s refreshing to have an ally like this, helping you push through resistance and road blocks. The power behind your actions this season is fierce and you’ll feel as if you’re sailing through challenges, both the ones we cause for ourselves as well as the inevitable hurdles from the external. The ease in which you’re traveling this season may feel surprising after the deep bumps and bruises you’ve sustained, but trust your guides. It’s normal to look over your shoulder and wonder when the next shoe is going to drop, especially after everything you’ve been through. No one needs to tell you how wise it is to be discerning, but this season, with the moon in your corner, you’re intuition is your guiding light, even more so than your intellect. As a sea-goat, your emotions run as deep as your ambitions, though you tend to have a difficult time making room in your headspace to follow your heart. It takes quite a bit of convincing at times for you to trust your feelings. Not this season, Capi: let your heart and passions guide and support you. Rest assured, it’s smooth sailing ahead.

Pisces Season February 18 – March 19 2021
With so many planets in your sign these days, Aquarius, you’re super supported to pursue your innovative aspirations, make discoveries and center yourself for the greatest good of all. The Emperor is here to help you access your deepest truths and stand firmly in your power. Can you feel the mountain rise up to meet you? Do you sense the moon phases coursing through your veins? Is the abundance you sense enough to cast out the fear of not having enough, not being enough? Mars energy will catapult you to the finish line before you can doubt the outcome. The velocity at which this happens can be astonishing if not a bit unsettling, but only if we over-analyze. Whenever you see results, there’s a tendency to wonder if the destination matches the excitement of the journey. You love the labyrinth, and you delight in the process. Often, when you arrive at the manifestation phase, you grieve the excitement of the trajectory. This season, you’re invited to pause and connect with your surroundings. There’s not much action that needs to happen outside of your regular wheelhouse of incredible and forward-thinking inventiveness. Though Pisces season will encourage you to embrace how you share space with all that inspires you. Rather than feeling disconnected, you might be pleasantly surprised to realize how deeply in sync you are with the world, and especially nature. If getting outside feels problematic, there’s a world inside of ourselves that is every bit as mountainous, river-wild and wind-swept as the land beyond our doorstep. Turn inward and explore.

Pisces Season February 18 – March 19 2021
Happy Birthday season, Pisces! I can explain the drawing of not one but two (!) cards for you. The Star arrived first, followed by Ten of Swords, and if the magic of this pairing isn’t clear, allow me to explain. The Star card points to a period of significant healing, and the Ten of Swords is the culmination of a deep-seated experience, often a wounding, disappointment or hard-to-digest lesson, that prompts us to shed our old skin and begin anew. This beautiful duo is here to remind you of your resilience and courage in the face of adversity. No matter how difficult things may seem, you have walked through the fire and you bear the colors of the Phoenix to prove it. With the sun in your sign, the center of the collective focus is on what you do best: rise again and again from the deep dark depths on the wings of intuition, dream-space and a selfless commitment to making this world a loving place for us all to inhabit. Without you, our zodiac wheel would be missing all the 12th house juiciness that comes with uncovering the secret world of our subconscious. I know you’ll be busy this season celebrating your solar return, but if you could kindly keep us all in your heart and your mind, and allow us a peek into your vast, expansive nature, it would really be doing the weary collective a solid! Teach us, Oh wild and watery wanderer, how you just happen to know so well the inner and outer mechanisms of the human spirit. Let us sit with you on the shores of self-discovery and befriend both the ebb and the flow of all things. You are so good at letting things go and making the most of impermanence. In fact, I’d call it your super power. And we could all use a hero right about now.
Deck pictured: Dark Days Tarot